Our Certificate Number: ISCC-PLUS-Cert-DE100-12381122

ISCC certification

Our company has passed the ISCC certification and can produce sustainable products - sheet materials and eyeglass frames.
We believe that the leaders in the industry, in addition to trade and economy, also need to contribute to the earth where we live, and take the first step with what we can do. We hope to provide not only products and services, but also actions to create space and land for sustainable development for the next generation. We have the responsibility to provide more new and alternative choices to industry employees, so as to design and manufacture more new products.

What is ISCC?

Under the influence of global warming, countries all over the world have put forward corresponding measures and schemes. Among them, the international Sustainability & Carbon certification scheme initiated by Germany, the full name of which is international Sustainability & Carbon certification, is the first standard to meet the EU renewable energy directive (2009 / 28 / ecred). It was implemented in 2010 and has now developed into an internationally recognized certification system. It covers the assessment of sustainable production standards, management standards, traceability documents and greenhouse gas emission reduction calculations.

Directive 2015 / 1513 (red) amending the EU renewable energy directive (eu-rl2009 / 28 / EC) encourages the use of biofuels produced on the basis of wastes and residues. In terms of the content of wastes and residues, it fully meets the sustainability requirements of Articles 17 to 21 of the red directive. Therefore, ISCC standards on Wastes and residues (iscc_201-1) clearly states that as long as the utilization of real wastes and residues meets the requirements of ISCC, it can be considered as sustainable.

For wastes and residues, ISCC certification has made key requirements on traceability. Wastes and residues must be traceable to the point of origin. ISCC defines it as the point of origin, and the traceability system must cover the whole supply chain. The original collection point must sign a self declaration meeting ISCC requirements. Traceability can be realized by means of material balance, separation, identification code and delivery documents to ensure that the country of origin, raw material type, name, quantity and greenhouse gas emission value are clearly identifiable at each node of the supply chain. The whole supply chain should be certified, including collection points, producers and traders. An enterprise may have one or more certified roles.
If the enterprise is certified as a waste and residue collection point, a complete traceability management system from the original collection point to the node must be established. ISCC allows collection points to use services provided by non independent collection points and other service providers, such as storage facilities. The service provider shall be included in the traceability management system of the collection point and accept the evaluation of the certification authority and ISCC. The collection point can agree on the relevant requirements of ISCC by contract.

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